How to Prepare For Your Sprayed on Truck Bed Liner

  • What You’ll Need
  • Rags
  • Thick bristled nylon paintbrush
  • Spray truck bed liner
  • Soft detergent
  • Water
  • Steel wool
  • Paint sprayer
  • Tack cloth
  • Masking tape
  • Disposable paint tray

A truck bed liner is a excellent addition to any truck. If you would like to increase the value of your automobile, shield the bed liner or want to decrease sound then a truck bed liner is a safe wager. Very seldom is a truck bed liner covered by a warranty either by the truck maker or the maker of this truck bed liner. The truck bed liner can break, scratch and chip once it dries. You’ll need to repair the truck bed liner yourself in many cases and this article will explain how.

Measure 1 – Surface Preparation

In order to receive a fantastic bond with the truck bed liner you will need to begin with a clean surface. Put your truck in a place that’s well lit and protected from the elements. Mix a small amount of the mild detergent with the water just until it is somewhat rancid. Dip a rag from the soapy water and scrub down the truck bed liner and then dry off using a dry towel. If the region you are repairing is broken into the metal and rusting then apply the steel wool to remove the rust along with the tack cloth to remove the dust. Also use the steel wool to scuff up the surface of the region around the damage. This allows the spray on liner to grip to the older liner.

Measure 2 – Filling Large Breaks

Repairing a sprayed on truck bed liner is rather easy to do. A large area which has to be repaired takes no time in any way. Read the instructions on the paint sprayer thoroughly before using it as every one may differ in the way they’re used. Use a paint sprayer which needs an air compressor since the pump fashion of sprayer might not have the power sufficient to properly spread the truck bed liner. Use masking tape to tape off place that you do not want to spray. Fill the paint sprayer with the truck bed liner material and, following the program directions on the product, apply it to the present truck bed liner. Spray the liner 1 or 2 inches over the authentic repair site in order to allow the liner to wash and attach into the older liner. This can help preserve the potency of the truck bed liner. Allow the truck bed liner fix for at least 2 to 3 days.

Step 3 – Fixing Surface Cracks and Scuffs

Do not be worried about using a paint sprayer for these tiny tasks since the application is a lot simpler. Pour on the truck bed liner material into a disposable paint tray. Dip the brush into the truck bed liner cloth and lightly dab it over the scuffs that you would like to repair. If you are coping with small fissures then let the brush hover over it to allow the substance to trickle between the cracks. Allow the substance cure for three or more days.